

Finance Friday

We've always made a very modest income and yet avoided struggling. I think it's because we were really good at staying out of debt, buying things with cash and combining frugality with common sense and maturity.

Then three years ago my husband left his full time job for charitable self employment.
For one year he worked, traveled and in the process, we depleted every penny of our savings.
We needed a new plan.
Some said, "See, you're paying the price for a poor decision!"
But in addition to going broke we met some amazing friends, traveled the world, re-fell in love and never felt more connected. So to that regard, we made the best decision of our lives.

Now, we're building our life back up. And it's a tough road.
Except that we are ridiculously satisfied and happy.
Which makes it all worth it.

That is why I love this photo of a church I took on a recent road trip through the corn fields of Illinois.
You see, I believe Elizabeth Gilbert is correct when in Eat, Pray, Love she says, "Ruin is a gift."

Finance Friday is a documentation of my struggle with our recent financial situation. It's heart wrenching and vulnerable and soulful. But it's the truth. I'd be honored if you read a few entries.

Here's a few I've written:
Desert Observations
We Can't Afford to! We Can't Afford NOT to!
Best of Times, Worst of Times
My Daughter's Speech on Poverty
Mama Got Mittens
Why I Didn't Shop President Day Sales